Friday, March 28, 2008

my key to life

well it seems I'm back to normal
this calls for a toast so pour the champaign
while I was neither here nor there I got to thinking
whats the point of living life trying to please others?
where will it really get you?
sure you might end up climbing the ladder of success but will you still be yourself?
you'll be a shiny replica of the person you once were, that is however, if you once actually had a personality.
and were not one of the many mindless people we all know and 'love'
you know who I mean
back to my point...
so maybe it's just the punk in me thats screaming 'fuck em and do what you want!'
but if I'm going to climb up and be successful I'm not gonna kiss anyones ass on the way there
I'm gonna do it on my own terms and try and please no one but myself (which is pretty fucking hard as it is)
this is probably not the brightest idea
but it is the only way I can be who I want without being worried about others scrutiny
It's what I've done all my life so far and I'm doing okay
sure I pissed lots of people off
but in the end it wont matter because they wont remember me in 10 minutes
well thats it for now

don't take life to seriously you'll never get out alive

1 comment:

Brett said...

Go for it, good to see you back