Saturday, March 22, 2008

Crazy Little Thing...

Mood- unsure
Strib Nicht Vor Mir- Rammstein

ola! it's been a few days
im a lazy mother fucker thats why =]
but really,
I've been so out of it as of late I don't know what the hell is wrong with me
maybe it was my lack of coffee, today was my first cup in 4 days
maybe its something else
i dont know
i feel like ripping my hair out
i dont know what the fuck is wrong with me
i wanna sing, like in a band
but I haven't sung since I was young and I don't know if I still can
and my brain is everywhere so this is going to be by far the worst blog entry ever because it's everywhere and no where at he same time
whoo for scatter brains

I need inspiration
I've been lacking it lately
I can't even find it in myself to take pictures or even finish the painting I started
I've been drawing tho and writing a lot
ugh I need some serious help
who knows when the next time I write will be
I miss being myself, laughing for no reason
drinking coffee like a maniac
smiling like a bafoon
I miss having the most random shit to say

anyone have any ideas WTF is wrong with me?
I'm desperate

1 comment:

Vera Causa said...

Really like the way you express your self, no fear. Love it.