Monday, April 28, 2008

kiss of dawn

So these guys are possibly one of the greatest bands to ever grace this earth. HIM is who they are if you didn't already know!. The lyrics are brilliant, meaningful and dark. Just how i like my music, and the music itself is thrilling there's nothing like listening to linde go at that guitar like no tomorrow or Ville's deep seductive voice. You can't go wrong with HIM people!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ohne Dich

Greetings Earthlings!

hrmm It's been a while again.
my bad
I haven't had much to say
well, thats a lie.
I always have lots to say only half the time it wont make sense to anyone but myself.
you see, my mind jumps from subject to subject and then will eventually get back to where it was in the first place.
Like a soap opera, only without most of the drama.
i should be back to posting more regularly soon

Friday, March 28, 2008

my key to life

well it seems I'm back to normal
this calls for a toast so pour the champaign
while I was neither here nor there I got to thinking
whats the point of living life trying to please others?
where will it really get you?
sure you might end up climbing the ladder of success but will you still be yourself?
you'll be a shiny replica of the person you once were, that is however, if you once actually had a personality.
and were not one of the many mindless people we all know and 'love'
you know who I mean
back to my point...
so maybe it's just the punk in me thats screaming 'fuck em and do what you want!'
but if I'm going to climb up and be successful I'm not gonna kiss anyones ass on the way there
I'm gonna do it on my own terms and try and please no one but myself (which is pretty fucking hard as it is)
this is probably not the brightest idea
but it is the only way I can be who I want without being worried about others scrutiny
It's what I've done all my life so far and I'm doing okay
sure I pissed lots of people off
but in the end it wont matter because they wont remember me in 10 minutes
well thats it for now

don't take life to seriously you'll never get out alive

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Crazy Little Thing...

Mood- unsure
Strib Nicht Vor Mir- Rammstein

ola! it's been a few days
im a lazy mother fucker thats why =]
but really,
I've been so out of it as of late I don't know what the hell is wrong with me
maybe it was my lack of coffee, today was my first cup in 4 days
maybe its something else
i dont know
i feel like ripping my hair out
i dont know what the fuck is wrong with me
i wanna sing, like in a band
but I haven't sung since I was young and I don't know if I still can
and my brain is everywhere so this is going to be by far the worst blog entry ever because it's everywhere and no where at he same time
whoo for scatter brains

I need inspiration
I've been lacking it lately
I can't even find it in myself to take pictures or even finish the painting I started
I've been drawing tho and writing a lot
ugh I need some serious help
who knows when the next time I write will be
I miss being myself, laughing for no reason
drinking coffee like a maniac
smiling like a bafoon
I miss having the most random shit to say

anyone have any ideas WTF is wrong with me?
I'm desperate

Monday, March 17, 2008

Something to think about

Mood Tired
Music Let me kiss you- Morrissey

yesterday I read this guy's blog and it got me thinking,
it was about music,
about reality shows and although he is in the UK and the shows are different there
we have them here as well
American Idol
Canadian Idol
those shows I don't have a huge problem with because its basically a glorified talent show
and the talent obviously is there
there is another show however that makes my blood boil
'Pussy cat Dolls present: Girlicious'
I don't understand how one could just create a group like that
it pisses me off
i just can't comprehend how people do this!
its stupid!
and yet they will make money
and people will buy their pathetic attempts at making 'music'
how many proper bands have known each other for a few weeks before embarking on something of that caliber?
its not right.
and the worst part
the worst part is the fact that they are all basically
yes, I said it
if you were a true talented musician you should be able to wear a burka (i think thats what they are called. Those things th women wear in the middle east that you only see their eyes) and still make amazing music
not have to wear booty shorts and non existent shirts to get attention
your talent should do that
not your sex appeal
especially when their target market is young girls
I mean I'm not old in the least, hell I'm barley legal (4 more months)
but the younger generation is pathetic
they dress sluttier
act sluttier
it truly disgusts me
it's the media I tell you
and they flock to it like moths to a flame
look like this,
act like this
you'll be cool
what ever happened to just being you
being who you want to be and not what others tell you to
I just noticed that my topic moved on from music to media, oh well
speaking of music
more specifically: Rap music
is all I have to say I mean really
a song about lip gloss?
a song about elevators?
very imaginative
and yet people like it
they're like mindless freaking drones
if they were going to listen to rap they might as well at least listen to Biggie or NWA at least they were people you could respect
and they had proper music
I'm not much of a fan
but it sure as hell is better than
'my lip gloss be poppin'
what does that even mean??
I'd like to know

What you know bout me
What you what you know bout me
What you know bout me
What you what you know

They say my lip gloss is cool
My lip gloss be poppin
I'm standing at my locker
and all the boys keep stoppin

What you know bout me
What you what you know bout me
What you know bout me
What you what you know

They say my lip gloss is poppin
My lip gloss is cool
All the boys be jockin
They chase me after school

Mac Mac, Loreal yep cause I'm worth it
Love the way I puts it on so perfect
Wipe the corners of my mouth so I work it
When I walk down the hallway they cant say nothin
Oh oh oh my lips so luscious
The way I spice it up with the Mac Mac brushes
Loreal got them most watermelon crushes
That's probably the reason all these boys got crushes

What you know bout me
What you what you know bout me
What you know bout me
What you what you know

They say my lip gloss is poppin
My lip gloss is cool
All the boys keep jockin
They chase me after school

When its time for lunch my lips still rock
Lil mama melon with the hot pink top
Cherry, vanilla, flavors its a virtue
They, lovin, lip gloss universal
The boys really like it
The girls don't speak
They rolling they eyes
They lip gloss cheap
It ain't my fault
But I could upgrade you
Show you how to use nice things
with nice flavors

What you know bout me
What you what you know bout me
What you know bout me
What you what you know

They say my lip gloss is cool
My lip gloss be poppin
I'm standing at my locker
and all the boys keep stoppin

What you know bout me
What you what you know bout me
What you know bout me
What you what you know

They say my lip gloss is poppin
My lip gloss is cool
[Lip Gloss lyrics on]

All the boys keep jockin
They chase me after school

Cause myyyyyy
Lip glosssss
Its poppin (x4)
Cause myyyyyy
Lip glosssss
Its poppin (x4)

No Music [Clap x4]

Oh, Who you know spit it hard to a hand clap
She ain't whack
So I tell a corny n***a hand dat
To a record label while I get my hair wrapped
Then I let it fall under my New York Yankee cap
Anybody that know better
That got chedda
Bet go getta
Cuz ya already know I'm where its at
And if Im rollin
Im ridin
I got my homies beside me
I tell Ben drop me off he like

Where its at
I gets it poppin
Im droppin
Ya'll know I dont play
And know my swag is official to what my flow say
And any club that's poppin my record gon play
Rest in peace to Haze and Lil Zay Zay

No Music [Clap x4]

Sittin in 8th period thought I was in trouble
Dean called me on the loud speaker on the double
I stepped in her office like yes, Ms McClarkson
She like girl ran out of my lip gloss and
write down where you get yours from
cause I must admit that bubblegum

its poppin
its poppin
its poppin
she ain't frontin

and uh

I be lovin it
I be I be lovin it
and uh
I be usin it
I be I be usin it
and uh
I be rubbin it
I be I be rubbin it
On my lips my lips, uh
my lip gloss

how is that considered music?
now compare that rubbish to...

All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
We can be like they are

Come on baby... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby take my hand... Don't fear the Reaper
We'll be able to fly... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby I'm your man...

Valentine is done
Here but now they're gone
Romeo and Juliet
Are together in eternity...
Romeo and Juliet

40,000 men and women everyday... Like Romeo and
40,000 men and women everyday... Redefine
Another 40,000 coming everyday...We can be like
they are

Come on baby... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby take my hand... Don't fear the Reaper
We'll be able to fly... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby I'm your man...

Love of two is one
Here but now they're gone
Came the last night of sadness
And it was clear we couldn't go on
The door was open and the wind appeared
The candles blew and then disappeared
The curtains flew then he appeared
Saying don't be afraid

Come on baby... And we had no fear
And we ran to him... Then we started to fly
We looked backward and said goodbye
We had become like they are
We had taken his hand
We had become like they are

Come on baby...don't fear the reaper

who would have thought it actually makes sense
it's a story
it's seems to be a foreign concept to todays 'rappers'
just something to think about.

Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend.
-- Ludwig van Beethoven



today was a lovely monday
I spent the entire day at the mall
ya I kno
you'd think it would get boring but you've never been to the mall with Sarah and I
we literally lapped that mall at least 15 times
and its huge
it was fun though
always full of laughs and randomness
which won us many disapproving looks from others
oh well, fuck em I say

okay clearly I don't have much to write today o.O
i can't seem to put my thoughts into words
its frustrating really argh

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Rebel Yell

with a rebel yell she cried more, more, more
if you didn't know already
Billy Idol is the shit.

Today Agz and I went on an escapade
we started off in Chapters where I bought Animal Farm AND a leather bound. Yes leather bound copy of Sense and Sensibility for only 12.99! I was so happy
then after drinking buckets of coffee from starbucks we ended up at Toys R Us and managed to get kicked out
I mean it's not my fault we were hopped up on coffee and bored
not a good combination let me tell you
we were throwing around this awesome plane and it ended up hitting some dude in the head
who naturally had a bitch fit o.O
he called us young and reckless
but let me ask you this
when is there a better time to be reckless than when you're young??
there isn't one
at least not in my opinion
and since today was such a b-e-a-utiful day
in the car we had the windows rolled down, with Billy Idol, Queen blasting singing along
it was
then I tried to explain to her how yoda speaks because we saw a picture of him and she didn't really get it
and I have watched star wars one to many times
all in all
twas a wonderful day
productive even i cleaned the entire house while my parents were out and my brother was being lazy and on the computer